Monday, August 16, 2010

Shakthivel's Gift

My group went back to the same leprosy colony we went to on Thursday to help in the construction of some bathrooms. I didn't get to say hello to my friends at the old folks home, but I am sure I'll be seeing them again soon. For the first part of the time we were there, we lifted 50 lb cement bricks from a pile on the ground to the back of a truck, assembly line style. We then drove half a mile away to the construction site and unloaded the truck. It was sweaty work. Once we were done, we split up and I helped to fill a framed hole with dirt. It will become an Indian toilet eventually. It was hot and we were gross but we got stuff done and that is what matters. I drank plenty of water but I still got heat rash on my neck and arms. I feel great though.

Today we did talent classes for the kids. Tricia and I had supplies to make bracelets and paint nails. It was super chaotic and crazy but I had a sweet experience with one of the little girls. She had been trying very hard to make a ring, and right when she finished it, all the beads fell off. "Aunty!! Help me!!" I was helping some other girls so I wasn't able to help her restring the ring, but as we were wrapping things up, she proudly showed me the ring she had redone. I was so proud of her for overcoming her obstacle and not giving up.

Dinner wasn't as bad tonight, and I decided I really love eating on a banana leaf instead of a plate. It makes clean up so much easier. After dinner, I read with a couple of the boys in my family. It was a book that was above their level of reading, but I think they enjoyed the challenge and they felt even more proud of themselves when they could say the word without my help. As we were reading, Shakthivel was playing with my water bottle and accidentally broke it. I tried to fix it but couldn't, and while I was bummed that it happened, I wasn't mad at him in any way. He felt so horrible and went and sat by himself. I kept telling him that I wasn't mad at him and that I knew he didn't mean to do it, but he just sat there with tears welling up in his eyes. I've mentioned before how I haven't felt much of a connection with these kids since being here, and this really was my moment. I told him that I forgave him and that I don't want him to be sad. I opened up a book and told him to read to me, which he did very well.

Later, I noticed he had disappeared and I went to look for him and found him in the hallway. He handed me this little plastic thing and said "This is my gift to you." He could have handed me a hand grenade with those words and my heart still would have melted. I felt tears come to my eyes and I truly felt my heart open up to this child. Shakthivel does not have much in the way of personal possessions. The children here have a school uniform and 2 play outfits. Any toy must be earned and bought in the star store. He wanted to give me what little he had because he had broken my water bottle. I have more water bottles. I have so much more than he does. But I would trade it all in a second for one more hug from this boy.

Today's high: Shakthivel's smile when I accepted his gift.
Today's low: Having to say goodnight to Shakthivel.


  1. You are such a beautiful writer! Thank you for sharing your journey ... you are changing our lives here :) Love to you my Michelle!

  2. You look so happy! It's the Spirit shinning in you eyes! Take away the worries of this world and you get the pure love of Christ. Serving and loving is what Christ would do. You are truly walking in His footsteps! I am so proud of you. I am crying tears of joy for you and your life right now.
